Resources, practices and wisdom for your journey of personal growth and self discovery

Blog, Latest Kate Megee Blog, Latest Kate Megee

How To Stop A Spiral Of Negative Thoughts

2020 has been a crazy year and there has been a lot for us to process. With so much fear and unknown present in our lives each and every day, it can feel very hard to stay positive and feel happy. In fact, many of my clients have had a real struggle to maintain a healthy mindset and have found themselves stuck in cycles of negative thinking. I want to share with you my 5 step process to stop the habit of negative thinking and reduce your levels of stress, anxiety and worry.

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Blog, Latest Kate Megee Blog, Latest Kate Megee

4-7-8- Breathwork Technique For Instant Stress Relief

This is one of my favourite breathwork tools for calming an overactive mind, feelings of fear and that overwhelming sense of things being out of control. I often use this technique myself when I find myself lying awake at night, tossing and turning in bed with my mind racing and negative thoughts chasing each other around in my head. It is so easy to do and yet has a seriously powerful physical effect on our bodies as we stimulate our parasympathetic nervous system. With all that is going on in the world right now and subsequently in our thoughts, this tool is one you will find incredibly useful.

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Blog, Latest Kate Megee Blog, Latest Kate Megee

5 Morning Habits That Will Set You Up For A Successful Day

How we begin our day sets the tone for the rest of our day. How do you want to feel today? Staring our day in the right frame of mind allows us to handle life’s challenges, ups and downs, twist and turns with more patience, ease and joy. Here are 5 simple and effective habits that you can add into your morning routine that will help set the tone for your day and ensure you are feeling, thinking and acting as your very best all day, every day.   

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Blog, Latest Kate Megee Blog, Latest Kate Megee

3 Simple Practices To Quiet The Mind And Dial Down Anxiety

Do you ever have those days where before you’ve even opened your eyes you have an internal sense of dread, or overwhelm, or even anxiety? Mornings where you feel like you haven’t even started your day but you feel off or uneasy already? Or perhaps you feel like that everyday? In this short vlog, I offer 3 simple practices that you can do to quiet the voice in your head and dial down anxiety right now.

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Heal, Blog Kate Megee Heal, Blog Kate Megee

Chase Your Dreams. They Are Worth It!

With each new day we have a brand new set of choices about how we want to feel and what we want to do with our lives. I truly believe that the only limits that exist in life are the ones we put on ourselves. Let me share with you this amazing manifesto and how we can implement its wisdom into our daily lives.

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