Posts tagged beliefs
How To Stop Limiting Beliefs & Stories That Are Keeping You Stuck

Do you know where your beliefs about yourself come from? Have you ever stopped to questions whether they are really true for you? Ever thought you could simply re-write those beliefs and choose again? Most of us have no idea that we have pre-programmed, subconscious beliefs playing out in our minds. These types of beliefs often keep us playing small, holding back in life and stop us taking risks and following our dreams. In this vlog I share with 3 steps that will help you recognise and rewrite a limiting belief or false story that's getting in your way of success and holding you back in life.

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To Create Lasting Change On The Outside We Must Change The Inside

Creating lasting changes in our life starts by creating new habits that support the change we want to make. One of the most important things we need to do is change how we support this habit with our internal world. That is, with our thoughts, beliefs, and feelings about ourselves. These need to be in line with the goal we want to achieve and the woman we are becoming. They need to support and uplift us every step of the way. In this vlog I talk about how we can begin to be the inner cheerleader we need to become to make all we desire real and possible.

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