Posts tagged confidence
Make Decisions Faster & Get What You Want Quicker By Asking This One Question

Asking the mind for guidance is like opening the door to a library filled with 1 million books and trying to find the one book that has your answer. So when we change the way we ask questions, we can then use our minds to give rise to the truth that is within us and use words to describe what is actually going on, what is actually what we feel, what we really need, what we really want. Because when we turn inward and ask, how do I feel? There is only one answer. The truth.

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3 Easy Mindset Hacks To Get You Unstuck and Into Action

It all begins and ends in the mind. Our dreams, our goals, our willpower, and even our level of commitment to see things through. When we are stuck in a cycle of poor choices and bad habits the first thing we need to do to break the cycle is to tweak the way we are interacting with our thoughts. If they aren't helpful, we aren't going anywhere! If we can relate to them in new ways, we can open ourselves up to having different feelings, taking action and our life finally looking the way we truly want it to.

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Ditch 'Should' For This Word And Feel Better About All Your Choices

Our words have tremendous weight and power especially when we use them repeatedly. ‘Should’ and “shouldn’t’ are two words that connote that we’re making poor choices or not doing our best. Guilt and shame are feelings that often come up when we overuse these words. These feelings are connected to thoughts about us that are self-deprecating and unhelpful. In this short video I share with you a super simple word change that will lift the heaviness of guilt that comes with our busy lives and help you find a feeling of lightness and possibility for all the choice you make.

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Is Being Realistic Just Another Way of Playing it Safe?

Nothing in life is realistic or unrealistic. There is only what we think about certain situations. Are you subconsciously using being a realist as a way to hide from your fears, play small, and not have to do the hard work? Discover why it’s time to stop being “realistic” and how to step into the unknown with confidence, clarity, and certainty in order to live the life you long for. 

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A Strong Woman Looks A Challenge In The Eye & Gives It A Wink

We always have 2 choices when faced with any challenge in life. Run and hide, and wish that this was not happening to us or face life head on, with open arms ready to learn and grow. You are a strong woman. Choose the second option. In this vlog I offer you a 5-minute pep talk to help you through all of life's challenges with strength, fearlessness, and confidence.

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