Resources, practices and wisdom for your journey of personal growth and self discovery

Blog, Latest Kate Megee Blog, Latest Kate Megee

3 Things You Need to Know So Fears Never Hold You Back

You have a dream, a desire, an inner knowing about what you could be doing every day that would make your life more enjoyable, exciting and fun. You really want to be doing that thing. But, when you think about showing up, taking that first step and actually going through with it your thoughts work over time, your fears get in your face,and you pre-live all the scenarios of what might happen and decide to do nothing instead. Sound familiar? Here are 3 important things you need to know about your fears so they no longer hold you back.

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Blog, Confidence, Self Esteem, Latest Kate Megee Blog, Confidence, Self Esteem, Latest Kate Megee

Is Being Realistic Just Another Way of Playing it Safe?

Nothing in life is realistic or unrealistic. There is only what we think about certain situations. Are you subconsciously using being a realist as a way to hide from your fears, play small, and not have to do the hard work? Discover why it’s time to stop being “realistic” and how to step into the unknown with confidence, clarity, and certainty in order to live the life you long for. 

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