Posts tagged growth
The Ugly Truth Of Believing The Stories Our Minds Create

One of my most vulnerable posts. I spent the last 2 years telling myself a story. A story about how much I hated my life where I lived and all that it lacked. l reached a point of despair, disconnection, deep unhappiness and unbearable sadness. In an attempt to find a solution to my “life” problem I headed to Bali where I met a man who changed my life forever. The encounter showed me that I was no victim of circumstances, but rather FULLY responsible for my reality and that that reality had all been created by my mind! This was both a hard truth and a blessing to discover. 

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5 Practices To Make Times Of Change Easier

Like the setting sun and the crashing wave, just like that, things change. Whether we realise it or not, we are always in a state of flux, a perpetual state of motion and change. Every second of the day we are becoming a different version of ourselves. Sometimes it is just more noticeable than others. Here are 5 simple practices that will help you navigate change with ease and sanity.

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