Resources, practices and wisdom for your journey of personal growth and self discovery

Blog, Latest Kate Megee Blog, Latest Kate Megee

5 Morning Habits That Will Set You Up For A Successful Day

How we begin our day sets the tone for the rest of our day. How do you want to feel today? Staring our day in the right frame of mind allows us to handle life’s challenges, ups and downs, twist and turns with more patience, ease and joy. Here are 5 simple and effective habits that you can add into your morning routine that will help set the tone for your day and ensure you are feeling, thinking and acting as your very best all day, every day.   

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Blog Kate Megee Blog Kate Megee

To Create Lasting Change On The Outside We Must Change The Inside

Creating lasting changes in our life starts by creating new habits that support the change we want to make. One of the most important things we need to do is change how we support this habit with our internal world. That is, with our thoughts, beliefs, and feelings about ourselves. These need to be in line with the goal we want to achieve and the woman we are becoming. They need to support and uplift us every step of the way. In this vlog I talk about how we can begin to be the inner cheerleader we need to become to make all we desire real and possible.

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