December Energy Read - 2023


My read on the energy for the month of December 2023 feels like a step forward from what we travelled through during October and November.

The energy feels lighter and as though we’ve reached a point in our journey where we now have a new perspective on what we’ve being going through and where we’re heading.

With that comes a sense of seeing for the first time, the start of a new path ahead. As we get ready for this next chapter or phase in our life, the energy of this month is asking us to trust more deeply. Trust what’s calling us, trust where we’re being led, and trust what’s guiding us.

As we do that we can tune in more to our intuition, our daydreams and desires and know that that guidance is always there.

Presence and rest are also important practices this month to be fully integrating and absorbing all we are here to learn. Be sure to watch this months video to get all the details.


January Energy Read - 2024


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