May Energy Read - 2024


This month’s energy read has 5 themes and they are the journey of standing in our unique, authentic expression and shining the light of our soul in the world.

Interestingly, this was a challenging message for me to bring forward as my soul was coming up against my ego. My ego felt uncomfortable with the words I was expressing, the language I was using, and kept coming in with judgments and resistance.

I shared this openly as I brought through this reading as I want it to be an example for anyone else that feels the call to be more authentic, to live in greater alignment with their soul’s calling and to shine their unique light, perspectives and messages with the world.

I want you to know that we simply must meet this resistance head on. We can’t wait for it to go away. It dissolves as we bravely and boldly show up to the calling within and BE who we truly are.

This month’s themes expand on and support this very process. They are:

1. Signs of Brilliance

2. Epic Makeover

3. Internal Drive

4. Fostering New Relationships

5. Bedding Down in Practices

And these themes are not what they seem on the surface They are in fact guideposts and steps that we can sit with, work with and practice so that we feel able to take the risk to be seen, to be authentic, to claim our weird if you will, out in the world.

Because there is a reason you feel so drawn to do just that. And because it’s time, it’s time, it’s time!!

I hope this month’s energy read supports you. Let me know in the comments if it does and what resonates most for you.


April Energy Read - 2024