Turn Your Fear Into Passion

Photo courtesy of Impact Hub Budapest on Instagram @impacthubbp

Photo courtesy of Impact Hub Budapest on Instagram @impacthubbp


I love Mondays! I start the day with a 6:30am private yoga class, get a little work done then head to The Impact Hub for an in-house lunchtime yoga class. It feels so good to start my week this way and to be able to lead people through a practice that I have come to deeply love and that makes me SO happy. I had no idea a mere few months ago that I would feel this way about teaching yoga! I almost didn't teach at all. I had told myself "I don't really want to teach. It's not my thing." But I knew all too well that that was not really me talking. It was fear. Fear of no one showing up for a class, fear of messing up the flow, fear of what people would think of me as a teacher, fear that I didn't have enough experience. If I had listened to this fear I would not be sharing this photo today telling you that I have found a new passion! Calling myself out on my fears, booking a room at a studio and publicizing that I have a class was terrifying! Everyday my fear wanted me to delete my ads and my posts and tell anyone I'd mentioned it to that I was now too busy. But I didn't. Instead I took action and through that action, I found a new passion. There is a great quote I once heard "Passion is the result of action, not the cause of it." It is absolutely true and me teaching yoga is the perfect example. 

Don't let fear get in your way of finding your passion. When we learn to face fear and feel all of those uncomfortable feelings we can start to see those uncomfortable feelings as familiar. We start to learn that those familiar, uncomfortable feelings are the precursors to so many great things and to us coming to stand fully in our own power. Who knows what is on the other side of your fear. Maybe it's a new passion. Maybe it's something that could change the fabric and direction of your life! How exciting!! Maybe you'll end up teaching yoga and one day someone will post a picture of you looking as fierce as I do in this one! Seriously! I look fierce, don't I! 

Where are you letting fear hold you back?

What action can you take to face it and discover what waits for you on the other side?

It's totally worth it. Trust me! ❤️


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