Posts tagged change
5 Questions To Reflect On As We Head Into Part 2 Of 2020

What a year 2020 has been so far! With so much change, growth and upheaval happening around us it is only natural that we change too. I want to invite you to take some time to answer these 5 questions and reflect upon what has shifted for you and how you intentionally want to show up differently as we move into Part 2 of 2020. Your life is yours to create, now more than ever. How will you show up?

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6 Practices To Guide You Through Uncertain Times

Recently I heard a debate where one side said ‘we are all in the same boat’ with regards to the pandemic and situation we’re in. The oppositions said, ‘we’re in the same storm but we are in very different boats.’ This second sentiment rang true for me and got me thinking about how my own experience right now is very different to so many people I know. In this vlog I offer you 6 practices to help guide you through uncertain times and how we can navigate this challenging time in history, this storm we are in, no matter what boat you find yourself in.

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5 Practices To Make Times Of Change Easier

Like the setting sun and the crashing wave, just like that, things change. Whether we realise it or not, we are always in a state of flux, a perpetual state of motion and change. Every second of the day we are becoming a different version of ourselves. Sometimes it is just more noticeable than others. Here are 5 simple practices that will help you navigate change with ease and sanity.

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To Create Lasting Change On The Outside We Must Change The Inside

Creating lasting changes in our life starts by creating new habits that support the change we want to make. One of the most important things we need to do is change how we support this habit with our internal world. That is, with our thoughts, beliefs, and feelings about ourselves. These need to be in line with the goal we want to achieve and the woman we are becoming. They need to support and uplift us every step of the way. In this vlog I talk about how we can begin to be the inner cheerleader we need to become to make all we desire real and possible.

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