Posts tagged perspective
5 Practices To Make Times Of Change Easier

Like the setting sun and the crashing wave, just like that, things change. Whether we realise it or not, we are always in a state of flux, a perpetual state of motion and change. Every second of the day we are becoming a different version of ourselves. Sometimes it is just more noticeable than others. Here are 5 simple practices that will help you navigate change with ease and sanity.

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Enjoy The Moments. They Are All We Have.

Far too often we confuse busy for productive and that this is somehow what gives meaning and value to our lives. In those times we don’t listen to our body, don’t listen to our true needs and barrel ahead despite the cries for rest and relaxation from within. The present moment is truly the only chance we have to live our life. In this vlog I talk about the power of slowing down and truly expanding the joy of your life through being more present for each and every moment.

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