Posts tagged self awareness
Feeling Guilty Is A Self Worth Issue. Here's What You Can Do About That.

Do you ever feel selfish for choosing to do things you want to do? Or feel guilty the whole time you are doing something nice for yourself? Ever wondered why it’s hard to give put yourself first for once? What you need to understand is that under these feelings is an underlying issue with your self worth. A belief that somehow you need to deserve or earn your own time, love and attention. In this vlog I share a journaling exercise to help you switch your perspective from guilt to self love so that you can easily take time for the things you want and truly enjoy them.

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Why The 'Why' Behind Your Goal Is Hindering Your Success

While your intentions for wanting to change something in your life might be pure and come from a positive place, too often what is truly driving this desire is an unconscious fear or limiting belief. Going after a goal or trying to create a new habit from this energy makes it hard to achieve. You’re essentially setting yourself up to fail. In this vlog I teach you how to uncover your hidden ’why’ for your goals and help you reframe any fear or limiting belief to something that empowers you and frees you up to feel true motivation and drive.

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How To Stop Limiting Beliefs & Stories That Are Keeping You Stuck

Do you know where your beliefs about yourself come from? Have you ever stopped to questions whether they are really true for you? Ever thought you could simply re-write those beliefs and choose again? Most of us have no idea that we have pre-programmed, subconscious beliefs playing out in our minds. These types of beliefs often keep us playing small, holding back in life and stop us taking risks and following our dreams. In this vlog I share with 3 steps that will help you recognise and rewrite a limiting belief or false story that's getting in your way of success and holding you back in life.

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