Accessing Joy Within - A Channelled Message


And presence. Presence is needed to truly experience joy to her fullest. Presence helps us to truly know joy, BE joy, be in joy. Otherwise, we may find ourselves in our mind/ego seeking pleasure.

Pleasure comes via stimulation and the senses. It is an experience in the brain. Is chemical and hormonal. It is a ‘doing’ state. It comes and goes. It starts and stops because the experience of pleasure has a “shelf life”. It is a stimulant, so it wears off.

Joy is a state of being. Joy is always available without any stimulation, simply by choice. Joy can be experienced in both the happiest of times and the darkest of times. Joy does not require any action, partaking or expense. It is simply a state that exists within us 100% of the time. The only thing that stops joy’s experience or our experience of joy is our distraction, fear, doubt, ego, mind.

You don’t need to change your life or anything about yourself to experience joy. You don’t need more or less of something in order to have joy in your life.

Joy is found at the intersection of life; where our inner world meets the external world and exactly where they meet, where they touch.

To find it and feel it, we then must be present and aware of this interface, this intersection of ‘in here and out there’. It is that pure state of curiosity, wonder and presence in which we meet every situation in life that allows joy to be part of the experience.

Joy exists inside love. Love also exists inside pain and suffering. For is it not because we love that we suffer and feel pain?

Can we love ourselves in our pain and in our suffering? If we can, we can also connect to joy in our pain and in our suffering. And if we can meet joy, face to face, eye to eye in those moments of our life, we meet God, we meet Source, we meet compassion, kindness, tenderness, acceptance, forgiveness, and wisdom.

Joy lives in the heart. We can access joy via love. Love for life, love for others, love for nature, sunshine, rain, clouds, soil, plants, food, air, water, friends, connections.

Similarly, we can access joy through self-love. Love of the journey, love of the struggles and triumphs. Love of the becoming and unbecoming. Love for the (self) realisation and expansion. Love for every part, every up and down, twist and turn of that journey. Love for the journey, the trip, the chance to be human. To learn, explore and discover worlds within us. A complexity so rich and endearing that we almost forget who we are and what we came here to do.

Joy is the answer AND the question.


Tap Into Unlimited Abundance - A Channelled Message