Tap Into Unlimited Abundance - A Channelled Message

Abundance truly is your birth right. Abundance takes many forms; many more than the human experience wants to believe. Abundance exists as a great well, a great resource of infinite energy, of infinite potential, also of infinite space and time.

Abundance as you think of it, or as the human mind perceives it, has a linear quality to it. You see it as a chain of events, a string of moments, a process of “here to there”, of a moment in time when abundance will arrive and that there is some kind of action or series of events that must take place for abundance to truly be felt, to truly be had, but this is not abundance. This is not how abundance works.

Abundance is not a string (they showed me a line of string laid out ahead of me), abundance is a pool and when you think of this string it is as if you really have to walk a path along this string, along this line, to a place that leads to where there is a well of abundance. But this is limited thinking about abundance. This is a singular thought. A limited, narrowed concept of abundance, because in reality abundance is everything, is ALL, is all NOW, is all available, is always. It is never not here.

Abundance is the infiniteness of nature and the infinite nature of the universe. Understanding that every potential is possible, now. It always has been and always will be. There is no process, there is no path. There is no string or line to follow . It just IS.

Abundance lives within you. You are feeling that now. But what is abundance? What can you do with it?

Abundance is unlimited joy and “unlimited” is your word. Is a word for you to understand this concept for we see it just as, abundance IS. It’s not a question. There is no question.

Abundance is the splendour of life, is the expansiveness of the experience of life, your true nature, the true reality of what it means to be not only human but also a spiritual being. When you tap into your spiritual nature you tap into the great universal pool of abundance. And you begin to sense the unlimitedness, the un-boundness, the infiniteness. You get a sense of how expansive you are all while there is still a question in your human mind “could this be real?”. Our answer is yes, of course! There is nothing else. This is it. Abundance IS. Abundance always IS.

Abundance lives all around you and is all around you. And by that we mean, it is everything you see, it is everything you feel, it is every molecule of air, every molecule of water. All the fullness and ripeness and expression that exists in the things around you. You sit and you marvel at nature, its glory, its beauty, its magnificence. What you really feel when you sense these qualities and experiences, is truly abundance. Abundance in full expression. Abundance that is. All-ness, wholeness.

Nature is a great teacher for the human. Nature stands here with you always showing you a reflection, an example of how it really is. Nature never hides. Nature never cowers. Nature never doubts. Nature never runs away. And as you hear these words, you sense how that belongs to the human. And how it belongs or comes from the forgetting, the disconnection, the separation from nature. The belief that you are not of that natural world, that you are somehow planted here, separate from your environment, from this splendid nature.

This forgetting, this amnesia, hurts you and it is this forgetting that causes your pain and suffering. It feels lonely, you feel lonely, you feel overwhelmed, you feel afraid, you feel helpless. Because you’ve forgotten. You have forgotten who you are, what you are, and you only need look around you at the abundance that IS to simply remember, that is you, you are not separate. You are not. You have the same wisdom as nature. That wisdom that knows when to blossom, when to shed, when to hibernate, when to bloom. A natural instinct, an innate knowing of timing, of expression and of who you are.

Tap into this.

Feel into the space around you. Pay close attention to that feeling. Sense that which meets your skin. The fullness of the space around you. The air, the sunshine, the water.

Plant your feet on the ground. Feel the soft earth beneath your feet and reconnect to your true nature. To the abundance of your physical body. Remember the abundance of your physical body. Elemental, nutritional, cellular. Of the earth. Of the cosmos. You are mineral. You are plant. Dust and bones. Your skeleton, think of this mineral based structure deep within your physical body. This is your elemental nature. This is your abundance. Your wholeness. Your very physical body is your experience of abundance.

Everything you need you have for a life lived here, now. You have a heart, you have lungs, you have limbs, you have eyes, you have smell, you have taste.

Experience your life in its fullness. Open your heart in its fullness to everyone you meet, every creature, every person, every experience and then you will know abundance. The fullness of your life. The fullness of every experience.

Be awake. Be aware and be open. Be in awe, and wonder, and surprise and appreciation. These “habits” connect you to your innate abundant nature.

Remember them. Remember that.


The Flow Of Money - A Channelled Message


Accessing Joy Within - A Channelled Message