The Flow Of Money - A Channelled Message

Let money flow through your hands. Let money be free. Free to come, free to go. You know this feeling. You know this desire. You know this feeling of not wanting to be trapped, held back, hidden, or hoarded. You can feel the frustration and stagnation in that image, right?

It is like trapping a beautiful butterfly in a cage and expecting it to live forever, to be happy in that cage too. But this is not money’s true nature, nor the butterfly. Both are free. Wild and free. Let money flow and be free. Free to come, free to go. Free to circulate, meet people, have experiences, and be part of everyone’s life.

Sense the sense of motion in those words and understand that in allowing money to be free, to flow, that this is not unidirectional. That is, it is not just away from you, for this is what you fear. This is what you are concerned about. This is what leaves you feeling scared, panicky, worried, and concerned. Worried that there is not enough. That you will never see money again if you let it go and you can feel that truth in you right now, can’t you?!

Money loves you. Money will be back. Money will flow to you when you learn to let money be free. When you can learn to let go of your attachment to it, loosen your grip and hand it over lovingly, not fearfully.

You don’t want it to run away from a place it doesn’t like being. Remember the butterfly, trapped in the cage? What if one day you thought to let her out to play for a bit, get some fresh air. She would certainly sense her freedom in that moment and fly away. For she would know she was no longer trapped. Surely, she would be reluctant to return.

But if you made it a warm and loving environment for her, planted a glorious garden for her to enjoy, then she would freely and happily come see you every day. Free to come, free to go. No need to trap her to enjoy her. All you need to do is plant her a garden to play and delight in so she may come visit you more and more, just as you wish.

Feel how that image warms your heart, seeing the butterfly happy and free and having her love your garden so much that she returns day after day. That is the same energy, vibration and feeling of money. Can you feel this way about money?

Can you see money in this same way and feel that same sense of joy for money’s freedom and pleasure? That she too can come and go but also delight in the garden you have planted for her?

Money loves you AND she wants to be free, just like you. Free to be who you are, free to do what makes you feel good. Free to help others, free to roam, play and explore.

Money is living, breathing energy. Let her move and breathe. Trust that she will be back each time you let her go, each time you pay a bill.

She is a current, a river, an always moving entity. Just as breath moves through you, allow money the same opportunity. You know that holding onto your breath is not a good idea. It doesn’t save you breath for later. Indeed, the opposite. Holding in your breath is harmful, it is futile, is against the natural flow of nature, of your nature, of life. Money is the same.

Love money. Love her well. Love her and let her be free. Free to come, free to go. Free to flow where she needs to go including right back to you.

Plant a garden in her honour. Water it daily. Care for it. Tend to it and surely, she will return to take in its creation and spend time delighting in its beauty with you.


October Energy Read - 2023


Tap Into Unlimited Abundance - A Channelled Message