Resources, practices and wisdom for your journey of personal growth and self discovery

Blog, Latest Kate Megee Blog, Latest Kate Megee

Why The 'Why' Behind Your Goal Is Hindering Your Success

While your intentions for wanting to change something in your life might be pure and come from a positive place, too often what is truly driving this desire is an unconscious fear or limiting belief. Going after a goal or trying to create a new habit from this energy makes it hard to achieve. You’re essentially setting yourself up to fail. In this vlog I teach you how to uncover your hidden ’why’ for your goals and help you reframe any fear or limiting belief to something that empowers you and frees you up to feel true motivation and drive.

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Blog, Latest Kate Megee Blog, Latest Kate Megee

How To Stop Limiting Beliefs & Stories That Are Keeping You Stuck

Do you know where your beliefs about yourself come from? Have you ever stopped to questions whether they are really true for you? Ever thought you could simply re-write those beliefs and choose again? Most of us have no idea that we have pre-programmed, subconscious beliefs playing out in our minds. These types of beliefs often keep us playing small, holding back in life and stop us taking risks and following our dreams. In this vlog I share with 3 steps that will help you recognise and rewrite a limiting belief or false story that's getting in your way of success and holding you back in life.

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3 Essential Tools To Help You Handle Anything Life Throws At You

Life doesn't always go to plan and sometimes, despite our best efforts life doesn't look the way we'd like it to. And when this happens, it is not about first deciding how to make our life look a different way so that we will feel better, it’s about asking, what can I shift within me to make the most of this situation. You only ever have the present moment in which to experience your life. You don’t want to let it slip by while you are waiting for the storm to pass. Here are 3 essential tools that will help you see what you’re experiencing in a more appreciative light so that you feel good now, and not when things on the outside finally change.

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Blog, Latest Kate Megee Blog, Latest Kate Megee

How To Stop A Spiral Of Negative Thoughts

2020 has been a crazy year and there has been a lot for us to process. With so much fear and unknown present in our lives each and every day, it can feel very hard to stay positive and feel happy. In fact, many of my clients have had a real struggle to maintain a healthy mindset and have found themselves stuck in cycles of negative thinking. I want to share with you my 5 step process to stop the habit of negative thinking and reduce your levels of stress, anxiety and worry.

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Blog, Latest Kate Megee Blog, Latest Kate Megee

Make Decisions Faster & Get What You Want Quicker By Asking This One Question

Asking the mind for guidance is like opening the door to a library filled with 1 million books and trying to find the one book that has your answer. So when we change the way we ask questions, we can then use our minds to give rise to the truth that is within us and use words to describe what is actually going on, what is actually what we feel, what we really need, what we really want. Because when we turn inward and ask, how do I feel? There is only one answer. The truth.

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Blog, Latest Kate Megee Blog, Latest Kate Megee

How To Have A Healthy Relationship With Social Media

I think we all know deep down that too much time on social media is not good for us but we spend hours on there anyway often reaching for our phones without realising it, or worse, when in the company of our loved ones. It is important for us to cultivate healthy habits with all the vices available to us and social media is definitely one of them. Here are a few of my thoughts around how we can have a healthy relationship with the online world in order to not disconnect from what is good, real and actually working in our lives and keep ourselves connected to the present moment and all the joy that it holds.

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Blog, Latest Kate Megee Blog, Latest Kate Megee

How To Stop Negative Thoughts Running Wild

Have you ever had one of those moments where you are going about your day and then something happens that triggers a wave of uneasy emotions and a host of negative thoughts that then seem to take over your body and mind?In this video I share with you 3 powerful practices that we can do that help us recognise that these feelings and thoughts are related to past events and not happening or relevant to us in this moment, as well as how to stop those negative thoughts and feelings from taking over, running wild and ruining your day.

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Blog, Latest Kate Megee Blog, Latest Kate Megee

3 Easy Mindset Hacks To Get You Unstuck and Into Action

It all begins and ends in the mind. Our dreams, our goals, our willpower, and even our level of commitment to see things through. When we are stuck in a cycle of poor choices and bad habits the first thing we need to do to break the cycle is to tweak the way we are interacting with our thoughts. If they aren't helpful, we aren't going anywhere! If we can relate to them in new ways, we can open ourselves up to having different feelings, taking action and our life finally looking the way we truly want it to.

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Blog, Latest Kate Megee Blog, Latest Kate Megee

Ditch 'Should' For This Word And Feel Better About All Your Choices

Our words have tremendous weight and power especially when we use them repeatedly. ‘Should’ and “shouldn’t’ are two words that connote that we’re making poor choices or not doing our best. Guilt and shame are feelings that often come up when we overuse these words. These feelings are connected to thoughts about us that are self-deprecating and unhelpful. In this short video I share with you a super simple word change that will lift the heaviness of guilt that comes with our busy lives and help you find a feeling of lightness and possibility for all the choice you make.

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Blog, Latest Kate Megee Blog, Latest Kate Megee

The Ugly Truth Of Believing The Stories Our Minds Create

One of my most vulnerable posts. I spent the last 2 years telling myself a story. A story about how much I hated my life where I lived and all that it lacked. l reached a point of despair, disconnection, deep unhappiness and unbearable sadness. In an attempt to find a solution to my “life” problem I headed to Bali where I met a man who changed my life forever. The encounter showed me that I was no victim of circumstances, but rather FULLY responsible for my reality and that that reality had all been created by my mind! This was both a hard truth and a blessing to discover. 

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Blog, Latest Kate Megee Blog, Latest Kate Megee

5 Morning Habits That Will Set You Up For A Successful Day

How we begin our day sets the tone for the rest of our day. How do you want to feel today? Staring our day in the right frame of mind allows us to handle life’s challenges, ups and downs, twist and turns with more patience, ease and joy. Here are 5 simple and effective habits that you can add into your morning routine that will help set the tone for your day and ensure you are feeling, thinking and acting as your very best all day, every day.   

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Blog, Latest Kate Megee Blog, Latest Kate Megee

3 Simple Practices To Quiet The Mind And Dial Down Anxiety

Do you ever have those days where before you’ve even opened your eyes you have an internal sense of dread, or overwhelm, or even anxiety? Mornings where you feel like you haven’t even started your day but you feel off or uneasy already? Or perhaps you feel like that everyday? In this short vlog, I offer 3 simple practices that you can do to quiet the voice in your head and dial down anxiety right now.

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