How To Practice Loving Kindness Meditation - It's A Life Changer!


This is one of my favourite meditations and I am excited to share it with you. It is simple and easy to do and, in this video, I guide you through how to practice it.

Metta Meditation is also known as loving kindness meditation and helps us to develop and anchor into compassion, kindness and empathy. It helps us step away from focusing on "I, me, mine" and turn towards thinking of others and developing a sense of being ok with what is.

This meditation can feel really amazing and can deeply affect how we approach each new day. It is kind of like doing a gratitude practice every morning. I really encourage you to try it with me and then commit to doing it each morning for the next 10 days.

I'd love you to then report back to me and let me know how the experience was for you. I know you are going to feel a definite shift in how you see the world around you and the challenges we are facing right now.

Sending love. ❤️

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