Resources, practices and wisdom for your journey of personal growth and self discovery

Blog, Latest Kate Megee Blog, Latest Kate Megee

Feeling Guilty Is A Self Worth Issue. Here's What You Can Do About That.

Do you ever feel selfish for choosing to do things you want to do? Or feel guilty the whole time you are doing something nice for yourself? Ever wondered why it’s hard to give put yourself first for once? What you need to understand is that under these feelings is an underlying issue with your self worth. A belief that somehow you need to deserve or earn your own time, love and attention. In this vlog I share a journaling exercise to help you switch your perspective from guilt to self love so that you can easily take time for the things you want and truly enjoy them.

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Blog, Latest Kate Megee Blog, Latest Kate Megee

Why The 'Why' Behind Your Goal Is Hindering Your Success

While your intentions for wanting to change something in your life might be pure and come from a positive place, too often what is truly driving this desire is an unconscious fear or limiting belief. Going after a goal or trying to create a new habit from this energy makes it hard to achieve. You’re essentially setting yourself up to fail. In this vlog I teach you how to uncover your hidden ’why’ for your goals and help you reframe any fear or limiting belief to something that empowers you and frees you up to feel true motivation and drive.

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Blog, Latest Kate Megee Blog, Latest Kate Megee

How To Have A Healthy Relationship With Social Media

I think we all know deep down that too much time on social media is not good for us but we spend hours on there anyway often reaching for our phones without realising it, or worse, when in the company of our loved ones. It is important for us to cultivate healthy habits with all the vices available to us and social media is definitely one of them. Here are a few of my thoughts around how we can have a healthy relationship with the online world in order to not disconnect from what is good, real and actually working in our lives and keep ourselves connected to the present moment and all the joy that it holds.

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Blog, Latest Kate Megee Blog, Latest Kate Megee

Ditch 'Should' For This Word And Feel Better About All Your Choices

Our words have tremendous weight and power especially when we use them repeatedly. ‘Should’ and “shouldn’t’ are two words that connote that we’re making poor choices or not doing our best. Guilt and shame are feelings that often come up when we overuse these words. These feelings are connected to thoughts about us that are self-deprecating and unhelpful. In this short video I share with you a super simple word change that will lift the heaviness of guilt that comes with our busy lives and help you find a feeling of lightness and possibility for all the choice you make.

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Blog Kate Megee Blog Kate Megee

Why I Am So Happy That I Broke My Arm!

After a recent snowboarding accident which led to a broken arm, 2 steel plates being inserted to realign my bones and 5 days in a Swiss hospital I walked away with an intense gratitude for the 2 broken (but mended) bones in my arm. I also connected with some valuable life lessons and a deep understanding of the importance of self care. In this viog I share some of the key insights I gained from my experience and how we can start to really live life with true self care commitments and focus.

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Blog Kate Megee Blog Kate Megee

Why It's So Important To Love Yourself NOW!

Waiting until you reach that goal, until you lose that weight, or until you find that man before you allow yourself to truly love and appreciate who you are is going to leave you feel disappointed when you finally get “there”. Learning how to love and appreciate ourselves while on our journeys toward our dreams is the true point of any aspiration we have. It is the journey and not the destination after all. In this vlog I talk about the steps you can take to embrace your “imperfections” as you learn to love the woman you are becoming on the way to the goals you are after.

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Blog Kate Megee Blog Kate Megee

To Create Lasting Change On The Outside We Must Change The Inside

Creating lasting changes in our life starts by creating new habits that support the change we want to make. One of the most important things we need to do is change how we support this habit with our internal world. That is, with our thoughts, beliefs, and feelings about ourselves. These need to be in line with the goal we want to achieve and the woman we are becoming. They need to support and uplift us every step of the way. In this vlog I talk about how we can begin to be the inner cheerleader we need to become to make all we desire real and possible.

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