Resources, practices and wisdom for your journey of personal growth and self discovery

Blog, Latest Kate Megee Blog, Latest Kate Megee

10 Life Lessons I Learned This Winter in Japan

The past 6 months I have been living in Japan helping my husband finish renovations on a hotel that we opened in January this year. It has been an intense, stressful, and valuable rollercoaster journey. Here I share with you 10 life lessons that this experience has deeply imprinted on me and guidelines I will be living my life by going forward.

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Blog, Latest Kate Megee Blog, Latest Kate Megee

A Strong Woman Looks A Challenge In The Eye & Gives It A Wink

We always have 2 choices when faced with any challenge in life. Run and hide, and wish that this was not happening to us or face life head on, with open arms ready to learn and grow. You are a strong woman. Choose the second option. In this vlog I offer you a 5-minute pep talk to help you through all of life's challenges with strength, fearlessness, and confidence.

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Blog, Latest Kate Megee Blog, Latest Kate Megee

You Didn't Fail Your Diet. Your Diet Failed You.

Diet's don't work because we only learn how to lose weight. What are we suppose to do when we have lost that weight? Being healthy isn’t about reaching a goal weight. It’s about adding more joy, energy, and life to our days. Here is how you can lose weight, keep it off, love your life through that entire journey and eat your cake too!

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Blog Kate Megee Blog Kate Megee

Why I Am So Happy That I Broke My Arm!

After a recent snowboarding accident which led to a broken arm, 2 steel plates being inserted to realign my bones and 5 days in a Swiss hospital I walked away with an intense gratitude for the 2 broken (but mended) bones in my arm. I also connected with some valuable life lessons and a deep understanding of the importance of self care. In this viog I share some of the key insights I gained from my experience and how we can start to really live life with true self care commitments and focus.

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Blog Kate Megee Blog Kate Megee

Enjoy The Moments. They Are All We Have.

Far too often we confuse busy for productive and that this is somehow what gives meaning and value to our lives. In those times we don’t listen to our body, don’t listen to our true needs and barrel ahead despite the cries for rest and relaxation from within. The present moment is truly the only chance we have to live our life. In this vlog I talk about the power of slowing down and truly expanding the joy of your life through being more present for each and every moment.

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Blog Kate Megee Blog Kate Megee

Why It's So Important To Love Yourself NOW!

Waiting until you reach that goal, until you lose that weight, or until you find that man before you allow yourself to truly love and appreciate who you are is going to leave you feel disappointed when you finally get “there”. Learning how to love and appreciate ourselves while on our journeys toward our dreams is the true point of any aspiration we have. It is the journey and not the destination after all. In this vlog I talk about the steps you can take to embrace your “imperfections” as you learn to love the woman you are becoming on the way to the goals you are after.

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Blog Kate Megee Blog Kate Megee

To Create Lasting Change On The Outside We Must Change The Inside

Creating lasting changes in our life starts by creating new habits that support the change we want to make. One of the most important things we need to do is change how we support this habit with our internal world. That is, with our thoughts, beliefs, and feelings about ourselves. These need to be in line with the goal we want to achieve and the woman we are becoming. They need to support and uplift us every step of the way. In this vlog I talk about how we can begin to be the inner cheerleader we need to become to make all we desire real and possible.

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Blog, Yoga Kate Megee Blog, Yoga Kate Megee

Turn Your Fear Into Passion

"Passion is the result of action, not the cause of it." i absolutely love this quote and experienced this in real life. Don't let fear get in your way of potentially finding your passion. Read my story of facing my fears and falling in love with teaching yoga. You too can turn your fear into a passion. 

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Blog Kate Megee Blog Kate Megee

3 Tips For A Stress Free Christmas

Christmas. The most magical time of year or the most stressful time of year? Some days it feels like the latter. Here are my top 3 tips to help you survive the madness of December and have a totally stress free Christmas. 

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Blog, Previous Kate Megee Blog, Previous Kate Megee

How 31 Days Of Gratitude Changed My Life

Gratitude is the great game changer for our lives. It helps us to ground, get clear and discover the richness of our lives. It opens us up to new possibilities and wild abundance. For the month of October 2016, I set myself a 31 day challenge to be grateful every single day. I share in this video how this simple daily practice changed my life..

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Blog, Heal, Previous Kate Megee Blog, Heal, Previous Kate Megee

Happiness. The Choice Is Yours.

All of us at some point in our lives have said or thought, "I'll be happy when…." We are all guilty of feeling, or thinking, that happiness will come to us only when certain things have finally occurred. It is time to stop waiting and start being happy NOW.

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Blog, Previous Kate Megee Blog, Previous Kate Megee

How To Be Healthy And Never Diet Again!

There is so much information out there about what foods we should be eating and what foods we should avoid. After a while, all of this information can really start to make us feel a little overwhelmed and unsure about how to be truly healthy. Let me break it down for you and show you the simple things you can do to look and feel your best without ever having to go on a diet again! 

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Blog, Previous Kate Megee Blog, Previous Kate Megee

Chewing The Fat On Fats. Why You Need To Eat More!

It is really important to understand that there are some fats that are good for us and essential to our health, while others make us fat and sick. The hardest part is understanding which fats are the good guys, which one is so-so and which one is the bad guy. Here I break it down for you and let you know how to easily get this balance right so that you can look and feel your absolute best. 

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Heal, Blog Kate Megee Heal, Blog Kate Megee

Chase Your Dreams. They Are Worth It!

With each new day we have a brand new set of choices about how we want to feel and what we want to do with our lives. I truly believe that the only limits that exist in life are the ones we put on ourselves. Let me share with you this amazing manifesto and how we can implement its wisdom into our daily lives.

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